Thursday, October 5, 2017

Throws Back Thursday: Jack Feeds Elyssa

Welcome to Throw Back Thursday!

The day of the week I post a picture from my past!  Today, for your viewing pleasure, is a BTS (Behind-the-Scenes) photo from the set of "Jack Feeds Elyssa".  It was filmed in Black & White.  (Rhode Island, 2009.)
Did I mention I wore a fat suit?

Final Thoughts

I'm exhausted!  Yesterday and today were packed with many things from the normal get kids off to school to Robert and my first day at Moms (Ministry of Mothers).  To our annual family Halloween picture (Here's a Preview!  Thank you for this nice surprise, PicturePeople):
to George's first day as a Lion Scout!  (Boy Scouts of America)  It was a very full, but wonderful day ... and I cannot wait until tomorrow!  Why?  Because it is the start of G's Fall Break and there will be NO alarms going off.  We can sleep in!  Let's just hope Littlest Man gets the memo and doesn't wake up early!  

One more day until the weekend!

Best Wishes,

Later this week:
#FriendFriday - Started by my friend, Joe DeRouen, a day when we roast/celebrate a friend.  Check in to see who!  
Schedule Saturday - See next week's blog topics and local events.
Spiritual Sunday - On the 7th day, I'll rest and sometimes share my heart/thoughts.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Working for the Weekend, 10.4.17

Working for the Weekend!

Welcome to my first Wednesday update.  Below, you'll find what I am currently working on AND my picks for local (and sometimes national) events this weekend!

In all honesty, the 'what I have going on' section is more to let my family know what all of the fun-craziness is.  In this industry, with a lot of projects going on at the same time, it's hard to keep track of everything!  So feel free to scroll to the bottom for my pick of events.  It won't hurt my feelings because I'll never know!!! 😉

In Pre-Production:

I am working on lining up special guests for "Stephen's Disney Dream" and getting the project's next episodes in the can.

I will be filming and editing a couple of spots for a local politician running for election.

I am joining forces with another local author to write a screenplay we will then produce.  More information coming on this heart-warming story soon!  (Gotta sign the papers first!)

I have the honor of working with Lisa on some short informationals about her work with Transitions, a group of Volunteers who strive to "empower displaced families to achieve stability in housing, employment, finances, and to provide spiritual support".

I am working with a group on a large local Christmas event!  (LOVE IT!  I look forward to sharing more details as they are finalized!)

I have been tapped to be a Judge for three film festivals:  2 here in Virginia and 1 in New York.  

I am working with the local branch of the Holiday Project to coordinate upcoming visits to homes on Veteran's Day and Christmas Day.  If you are local and would like to join us, let me know!

I have agreed to help a local woman achieve an item on her bucket list by directing a show (theatre).  She is a first-time producer and doing a great job!  It is an honor to help her achieve a dream!  Audition and show information will be coming in December.  (Auditions in January, show in March!)

I have started planning our Thanksgiving, Christmas, George's Birthday (January), Jason's Birthday (February), and Robert's Birthday (March)!  (If I don't take the time to plan these in advance, I fear the dates will creep up on me fast and I'll be unprepared!)

In Production:

One of the film festivals I am judging is currently accepting films.  It has been such a joy to see the talented, amazing films coming in and to be part of a festival on this end!  Judging would be difficult if we were comparing the films directly; however, we are gauging each production on its own merits, strengths, and weaknesses.  I cannot wait to see which films end up on top and to celebrate the successes of all of the filmmakers!

Other projects that are not a 'production' like in film/theatre:  I am still teaching AWANA Cubbies at a local church, I serve on our HOA board, and I am honored to serve as the Lee's Hill Commissioner for the Spotsylvania County Cable and Telecommunications Commission.

In Post-Production:

I am editing and putting together the social media page for pictures/film I have taken at the local Taekwondo school.  I look forward to the project going live soon!

Recently Completed Projects:

I had the honor to edit footage from recent speech by Michael Balzano, hosted by the Spotsylvania Conservative Women's Coalition.  An amazing (and entertaining) man who worked across party lines while serving many US Presidents.  I highly recommend checking out his book!  It is an easy read with lots of behind-the-scenes looks into the white administrations for several presidents AND I guarantee you'll laugh out loud!

I edited a couple of spots for a local politician currently running for election.

Upcoming Local Events not to be missed:


This weekend is a FREE Kids' Build at Home Depot!  You can register here:


* The Kids' Build at Home Depot (mentioned above)

* My #1 Suggestion:

Final Thoughts

We're halfway through with the 'work week', friends!  What do you have planned this weekend?  Let me know in the comments below or send me an email!

Best Wishes,

Later this week:
Throwback Thursday - An embarrassing picture of a younger me
#FriendFriday - Started by my friend, Joe DeRouen, a day when we roast/celebrate a friend.  Check in to see who!
Schedule Saturday - See next week's blog topics and local events.
Spiritual Sunday - On the 7th day, I'll rest and sometimes share my heart/thoughts

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Connect with me on Facebook
Check out my crazy life on Instagram
Follow me on Twitter

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tot Topic: Stop Phone Call Interruptions

How to Stop Phone Call Interruptions

Everyone who has/had kids knows this problem:  Your kids are playing nicely by themselves and your phone rings.  This is an important call!  Suddenly, your cute little ankle biter is at your side and has an even MORE important, urgent need that must take all of your attention RIGHT. NOW!  That is, until you hang up the phone and suddenly they forget what they need.

First, let's acknowledge one all-important fact:  EVERYbody has interrupted.  Yes, everybody.  At some time or another, warranted or not, we were the jerks interrupting that phone call.  Once I recognized and accepted that I, too, am guilty of this, I found it was easier to not get angry (or at least as frustrated) when my little guys do it.  That said, I have some tried-and-true ways to curtail the madness and some reasons why you shouldn't try to end it completely!

Curtailing the Madness Suggestions

1 - If it is an unexpected phone call (or even when talking to an adult in person), we prefer getting the hand.  This was great at first!  Little Man would come up and 'interrupt' me by putting his hand on my leg and saying, 'Mommy?'  I would then acknowledge him by putting my hand on his.  He would then know I would address him as soon as I could.  It was GREAT!  Its the #1 suggestion if you google 'stop my child from interrupting'!  It worked!  ... Until he stopped doing it because there were huge issues that must be helped right now!  And he changed the rules.  NOTE:  We do encourage and enforce this rule, but let's be honest:  It does not always work!  That's okay!  Just continue to encourage the positive behavior.  If you want to try something else:

2 - The TV babysitter.  If your house is like ours, the TV is not on constantly.  When I know I have to make an important call, I turn on a cartoon they love, give them a snack and a drink, and then LEAVE THE ROOM!  I find it they hear me talking, they'll ignore the beloved treats and their crazy comes out in full spades!  So go far and DON'T go into the bathroom.  That is one of those things we do that sets off the 'I'm doing something you want to interrupt' alarm in our kids and they'll come running.  Instead, try to go somewhere you won't be heard and you won't have to open/close a door.  (Another 'interrupt me' alarm trigger!)

Try to remember:  one of the main reasons they are interrupting is because they see someone else has your attention and they want to be part of it.  To have some of your attention, too.  That's sweet in theory.  In reality ...

3 - PAYBACK!  Yes, it is a B and you can be called one for doing this, but it makes the point and if your littles are any like mine, they'll get a kick out of it while learning their lesson.  It is really important to try and remember EXACTLY what they said to you when they were interrupting!  Wait until they have gone back to playing with their toys and then give it back.  Exactly. As. They. Did. To. You.  Bonus points if it was one of the times when they couldn't remember what they wanted when they interrupted and you just get up and walk away!  Warning:  This can quickly backfire if you get a phone call shortly afterwards.  They'll probably remember and go even more craycray on you ... which can be amusing depending on who's on the other line OR give you some great 'pity points' with friends and family!  Many people will cringe and say 'don't do this'!  That's okay.  They don't have to.  I find sometimes making a fool of myself by demonstrating their behavior back to them is enough to stop it and it is a great release of my frustrations without screaming/yelling.  We end up giggling at the end, so it works for us!

4 - Video proof.  This is AWESOME because not only do they actually see themselves acting like fools, you can point out where they made the bad choices, AND you get some great blackmail material for the future!  I made a video of the craziness my oldest son displayed during bath time.  It was a real challenge.  When he watched the video, he complained more, but laughed at it, too.  I was worried the video would encourage the behavior.  Instead, when I shared it with others in front of him, they laughed with him and lightly teased him.   They told him their kids were goofballs when they were young and it was bath time, too.  Little Man was encouraged that he wasn't the only one that hated baths, the other adults reaffirmed it was inappropriate behavior, Little Man is no longer fights baths, and we all had a great giggle.

5 - As your children get older, they are able to reason more and you can have easier conversations with them about it.  Ask them what they need and tell them you'll be unavailable for x-amount-of-time before you are busy.  Then hold them to it.  I look forward to those days.  This will work.  At first.  Until there is a huge issue that must be helped right now!  and the little stink pots change the rules on you again ...

Don't Completely Stop the Behavior!  Stop the Call!

Now let's be COMPLETELY honest here ... we do not want to stop the behavior completely.  We want to control it.  To have them not interrupt when we are on that important call, but when we are on that call we don't want to be on?  Here are some tricks to cue them when you WANT to be interrupted and they won't get in trouble!

1 - A:  Knock knock!
     B:  Who's There?
     A:  Interrupting Child.
     B:  Interrupting Chil- 
     A:  MOM!!!!!

No child can resist a joke.  All I have to do is whisper 'knock knock' to Little Man and all of his most creative jokes and giggles start flowing.  Loudly.  It makes it much easier to cut that call short and your precious child comes off adorable instead of ill-behaved.

2 - Pause their TV show.  Or just turn off the TV.  Shrieks of panic will bring every call to an abrupt end as Super Parent will have to save the day by pushing the button to turn the show back on again.  Of course, after the phone call has ended ...

Final Thoughts

Curbing the behavior with a touch of the hand or pre-planning are clearly the best choices.  When they don't work, don't be afraid to go out of the box to get their attention in a goofy way to make the situation more bearable for everyone involved.

Overall, although tempting, don't lock the little boogers in a closet and give cause for CPS to be called.  Instead, lock yourself in the closet!  It's where we hide the chocolate anyways, right?

Do you have any other tried-and-true tips for Ceasing Calls Interuptus?  If so, I'm all ears!  Let me know in the comments below or send me an email!

Best Wishes,

Later this week:
Working for the Weekend Wednesday - An update (first-date) of what I'm currently working on and my picks for local events this weekend!
Throwback Thursday - An embarrassing picture of a younger me
#FriendFriday - Started by my friend, Joe DeRouen, a day when we roast/celebrate a friend.  Check in to see who!
Schedule Saturday - See next week's blog topics and local events.
Spiritual Sunday - On the 7th day, I'll rest and sometimes share my heart/thoughts

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Check out my crazy life on Instagram
Follow me on Twitter

Monday, October 2, 2017

Finding Auditions Tips

It's Movie Monday!

The question I am asked most often is 'where do you find auditions'?  Honestly, the best response is to say where NOT to find auditions:  It starts with "C" and ends with "L".  Unless you want to work in a certain industry ...

Audition announcements/Casting Calls/Cattle Calls are EVERYWHERE!  The biggest challenge we all face is sifting through the calls to find the legit ones.  So here is my go-to list of where I look when I am looking for auditions:

BUT FIRST:  PLEASE USE CAUTION BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR MATERIALS ONLINE TO ANY "AUDITION".  Check everything out first and, if something does not feel right, do not give out your personal information.  With the following list, I am not endorsing any particular audition nor am I endorsing every audition/opportunity listed on these sites.  This is solely my list of go-tos for auditions.  Enjoy!  This trade has proven itself TOTALLY WORTH THE MONEY if you are in a major hub - NYC, Lala Land, the ATL.

Brian Dragonuk.  I have been following Brian for over 10 years and have landed many roles through his posts!

Facebook.  You can actually search for auditions.  There are many ways to do it.  This is how I do it:
          1 - I type the word 'audition' into the search bar at the top and hit 'enter'.
          2 - On the left, I choose where I want to search (location) and the current year.
               If you keep the other settings the same ("posted by anyone" and "posted in any                         group"), you'll get many more hits.
          3 - I then try other locations around me.

Also on Social Media, search for groups in your area and join them.  The groups are great not just for sharing auditions and upcoming productions, but for getting to know the people who are working in the area!  You'll receive great tips specific to your area and you'll make friends/good acquaintances that share your interests!

Make a list of your local production companies (theatre, film, church, etc.) and local casting directors and agents.  Then:
          1 - Google them.  Many times, they have a email list you can join and information                           (including auditions) comes straight to your inbox!
          2 - Find their social media pages and follow them or join any on-line groups they run!                   They'll post audition information AND you can get to know them and their                                 productions/teams better! This is a fun social media site specific to people in the industry.  On this site, you can meet Casting Directors, Agents, Directors, Producers, other Actors, and people in so many more positions!  This is a great site for the chat rooms where you can freely ask questions and get responses from people working in the industry with first-hand knowledge about the information you are seeking.  The site is overwhelmingly positive and the feedback is strong.  (The Stage 32 team also has great opportunities for Writers!)

The newspaper.  Yes, there are still ads and classifieds that run auditions!  Just make sure to check everything out before submitting.  Protect yourself!

Mandy.Com This is hit-and-miss.  When I was in NYC, I snagged a bunch of day shoots on films and student films through these posts.

Your agent/manager.  Yes, I know ... "but how do I get an agent or manager if I don't have any experience??"  That's a question to be answered another day.  Today, what I will say is SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT!  Go to your local SAG/AFTRA website and look at their list of accredited agents.  This is a great starting point for tried-and-true professionals.  Many times, the list will say whether or not they're accepting new people.  Sometimes not.  Go to the agent's websites and social media pages.  See what they are posting.  Are they looking for someone of your type?  If so, great!  SUBMIT!  Are they posting they are not currently accepting new clients?  If so, don't waste your money and respect their time by NOT submitting.  Keep checking, though.  Things are very fluid in this industry and will change and you WILL get your chance!  I'll talk more about agents/managers later. A fun site that lists some auditions but also lists great Day Job/short gig opportunities perfect for Actors!  This site is run by "Breakdown Services" which is the company that puts out the major castings for TV/Film to Agents/Casting Directors/Managers.  From my experience, it is a completely legit and reputable company.  First, let me acknowledge that yes, there is sometimes a fee involved with this site.  You can totally join and pay the fee to self-submit to some of the many great projects OR you can do it the Wendy-way.  Put in your stats, run the search on the site, and see what pops up.  MANY TIMES, you can then google the project and directly submit to the company/casting personnel.

Final Thoughts

1 - There are so many sites to find auditions.  Check them all out and see which works for you.  Don't restrict yourself to just one way.

2 - I do want to caution when you go to submit for projects or if you do it the Wendy-Way with pay-sites:  do your homework!  Don't just google it, celebrate finding the information, and slapshot your stuff in.  The people doing the casting may have a specific way they will accept submissions.  Follow their directions completely.  Do not get creative.  Do not try to be sly.  Respect their time and the process and understand the reason they have it set up the way they do:  For every ONE part they are casting for, several hundred (and sometimes several thousand) people will submit.  Play nice and you may get read or put in a file for later.  Do not follow directions and ... do you remember in high school when your teacher yelled at you for not following directions and that your work would 'never get accepted like this in the real world'?  Well this is it.  The 'real world'' they were referring to.  If the casting director says write your name in the top right corner of the page and no staples are accepted ... they mean it!  Not doing what they ask says you may not do what the director asks if you were to be cast.

3 - We'll chat about auditioning and getting agents/managers later.  If you have any questions you want answered, let me know in the comments below or email me.  If I don't have the answer, I will find someone who does and invite them to join us!

Until tomorrow ...

Best Wishes,

Later this week:
Tot Topic Tuesday - How to talk on the phone uninterrupted by your cute ankle biters ...
Working for the Weekend Wednesday - An update (first-date) of what I'm currently working on and my picks for local events this weekend!
Throwback Thursday - An embarrassing picture of a younger me
#FriendFriday - Started by my friend, Joe DeRouen, a day when we roast/celebrate a friend.  Check in to see who!
Schedule Saturday - See next week's blog topics and local events.
Spiritual Sunday - On the 7th day, I'll rest and sometimes share my heart/thoughts

My IMDb page
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Connect with me on Facebook
Check out my crazy life on Instagram
Follow me on Twitter

Sunday, October 1, 2017



... and here we go!  For years now I've wanted to start a blog, but I kept thinking 'what could I possibly write about to help others?'  I wondered 'who would want to read it'?  Of course, I know the answer to that question:  my Mom.  My Mom excitedly and willingly reads everything I write and she will be the first to subscribe.  (If she can figure out how to ... )  So I know I'll have at least one reader!  Thanks, Mom! 

I thought about the blogs I read.  I'm nothing like Ariel Meadow Stalling (an incredibly unique voice: or Gary Vaynerchuk (HYSTERICAL!  Check him out: 

My whole life, I've fought for my right to be as ridiculous and downright odd as I am. I've bucked many social 'norms', created my own 'traditions', and here I am today ... shockingly still alive!  I talk the same way in front of my Mom as I do in front of my friends and my priest.  (I do hold back a bit with kids, but in due time they'll be adults ... and then it's on!)  I've had more experiences - good and bad - than most, earning me the nickname 'Mrs. Gump' and my thoughts and actions have been formed by each event.  Due to this, I realized I do have something to offer:  my "weird" way of viewing and approaching the world. 

I am one of those people who makes unfortunate comments (read:  BAD jokes) when I am uncomfortable. 

I am one of those people who feels everyone I pass is worth talking to (unless my kids are with me.  We're learning 'stranger danger'). 

I am always looking for opportunities to learn and to better myself. 

I know I am not perfect, but I try my best. 

I'm dyslexic when speaking and writing.

I rely on autocorrect often and wish there was a 'grammar correct' for my phone's vocal commands.

When I make a mistake, I try to confess and apologize before the person finds out on their own.  I then try to fix it.

If I don't like someone, they hear it from me before hearing it from anyone else.  (This is very rare, though.  I find everyone has something wonderful about them and I try to focus on that!)

I struggle with accepting positive things and success.  In my life, something negative always accompanies any positives and I have difficulty experiencing pure happiness because of it.

I hate (very rarely do I use this word!) others telling me what to do - including that I 'cannot look at something that way'.  (Some of you were thinking that about the success/negative yin yang weren't you.  I'm glad that works for you and your life, but please know it's not like that for everyone and it's okay!)

I've learned to stand up for what I believe in, but I am still learning to find my voice when dealing with people I feel have authority.

In concept, I'm always up for an adventure.  In reality, I am a homebody who greatly values and longs for 'me' time.  (With 2 kids, a dog, 3 cats, and a husband, who can blame me?!)

Grammar Police be warned:  Their be mistakes Cumming, Georgia. 

And with that, WELCOME to my blog, The Wonderful & Wacky World of Wendy:  my weird way of viewing and approaching the world!

So with this post, I'm officially 'one of those people' who blog.  Write on!  (Again, sorry Gramma Police!)

Best Wishes,

Join me this week for:
Movie Monday - Finding auditions tips
Tot Topic Tuesday - How to talk on the phone uninterrupted by your cute ankle biters ...
Working for the Weekend Wednesday - An update (first-date) of what I'm currently working on and my picks for local events this weekend!
Throwback Thursday - An embarrassing picture of a younger me
#FriendFriday - Started by my friend, Joe DeRouen, a day when we roast/celebrate a friend.  Check in to see who!
Schedule Saturday - See next week's blog topics and local events.
Spiritual Sunday - On the 7th day, I'll rest and sometimes share my heart/thoughts

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